Annual rescue and evacuation course – Årlig nedfiring på engelsk

The Norwegian authorities require that employees who will be working in a pole or tower can document annual repetition and practice in rescue and evacuation. It is the employer who is responsible for ensuring that the employee has the necessary training. «Annual rescue and evacuation course» provides repetition and practice for people who have previously documented training in the entry of a post or tower. The course has been prepared to satisfy the requirements in §7 of the «Regulations on safety when working in and operating electrical installations», and it is this that is used as the basis for completing the course and training in lowering a person in distress.

The following topics are reviewed:

  • Laws and regulations
  • Inspection of equipment, poles and towers
  • Safe job analysis (SJA)
  • Descend and rescue

Target group: Electrical, telecommunications and other personnel who work in poles and towers.

Practical information: The course certificate is valid for 12 months. Trygg Kurs AS provides all the necessary equipment for carrying out the course.

Duration: 4 hours.

Requirements for prior knowledge: Participants must have previously documented training in the entry of posts or masts.

Price: The total price is per participant and includes the issuance of a training certificate. The course is also offered as in-house training in Norwegian or other languages on request.

Here is the dates for upcoming courses. Sign up today.
